News + Careers
Ontario has an opportunity to radically change mental health support
Family Service Ontario strongly agrees that a “major shift is needed” in the provision of mental-health supports to address the number of people falling through the gaps in care.
The Perfect Storm: A formidable force on mental health services
The next wave has started, and it is looking like a tsunami, with a lack of resources to respond. The next wave is the increased need for mental health, couple, and family therapy services.
Critical mental health program lost while pandemic demands surge
As a community-based counselling agency and a member of Family Service Ontario, NCCC provided outstanding service to 1,000 individuals and families each year.
Mental health, the surprise election issue
Universal access to mental health services is a welcomed theme in this election. Every day we experience firsthand individuals, youth and families who fall through the system’s gaps in care.
New (FREE) 24/7 Mental Health and Wellness Supports Announced
Struggling families across the province now have additional mental health resources to support them in the pandemic. Family Service Ontario (FSO), with funding from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS), launched the COVID19 Support Program this week.
Where’s the Mental-health Help for Regular People?
Affordable, community based mental-health care exists in Ontario for everyone. What keeps Ontarians from accessing these resources is lack of awareness of the vital services provided by 45 Family Service Ontario agencies.
Demonstation Project Report
Through the Demo Project (September 2018-March 2020), 28 participating agencies implemented standardized measurement of psychotherapy service outcomes, and created a unique dataset showing collective client outcomes.
Demonstation Project Overview
View project Overview Document